Enhancing Trade Credit Security with Biometric Verification

1Centre_Biometrics Trade Credit Approval

Introduction Let’s face it, doing business online has become, and will increasingly become more at risk with the advancement of new technology allowing fraudsters to create ‘false identities’. At 1Centre, we are dedicated to continuously enhancing security and preventing fraud when onboarding  trade credit customers. As part of this commitment, we are excited to announce the… Continue reading Enhancing Trade Credit Security with Biometric Verification

Why Australia’s Construction Industry Needs Trade Credit Automation

The Australian construction sector is navigating a challenging landscape characterised by supply chain disruptions, escalating costs, and the pressure of fixed-cost contracts. Construction, vital for contributing to infrastructure, commercial, and residential development, encounters amplified risks in managing cash flow and credit amidst these macro challenges. The pandemic era’s government and central bank support maintained low… Continue reading Why Australia’s Construction Industry Needs Trade Credit Automation

Beyond Insurance: The Case for Trade Credit Assurance

Trade credit is a pivotal component of business relationships, allowing borrowers to manage cash flow and customer lenders to strengthen partnerships. However, a quick search on trade credit often leads us to a plethora of information about trade credit insurance. This is a product designed to protect sellers from the risk of non-payment by their… Continue reading Beyond Insurance: The Case for Trade Credit Assurance

Data Zoo Announces Partnership With Trade-Credit Platform 1Centre

1Centre customers can now leverage Data Zoo’s global identity verification solutions to deliver exceptional trade-customer onboarding experiences. Leading global identity solution provider Data Zoo and trade credit customer onboarding platform 1Centre have announced a partnership. This partnership will combine 1Centre’s innovative cloud-based automation technology with Data Zoo’s cutting-edge global identity verification solutions. The partnership aims… Continue reading Data Zoo Announces Partnership With Trade-Credit Platform 1Centre

How electronic signatures meet global standards

Google the keywords electronic signatures and you’ll find 115,000,000 results – a lot right! Electronic signatures are often called Digital Signatures as well. For me, this is reflective of the world moving to more efficient ways of signing that don’t require a person to person exchange of paper that requires a signature – it’s as… Continue reading How electronic signatures meet global standards

What are the different levels of data encryption?

Data encryption keeps our personal, business, health and banking data online. But how is it really kept secure? Storing data that is confidential and of high value can be difficult. That’s why most apps and sites we use rely on data encryption to keep all of our information safe. According to HPWhile there are many… Continue reading What are the different levels of data encryption?

The Top 5 Benefits of Storing Data in the Cloud

Gathering relevant data and storing it in the cloud, to better understand your business and its customers has now become imperative. Data helps you solve current problems, as well as make better strategic decisions. With the collection of critical data comes the essential responsibility and need of storing it in a safe, secure and easily… Continue reading The Top 5 Benefits of Storing Data in the Cloud